
Sunday, October 28, 2012

Tricks and Treats

Chocolate, chocolate and more chocolate! You may think you are treating yourself to some well earned Halloween candy, but it is one of the biggest tricks you may encounter this holiday.

We all know that without a good nutritional game plan, our performance and results will be hindered. Here are some not so tasty facts for the popular candy in town.

In one Snickers bar: 271 Calories, 5.2 Sat Fats, 28.8 grams of sugar
In one Reeses pack: 210 Calories, 4.5 Sat Fats, 21 grams of sugar
In one Starburst pack: 240 Calories, 4.5 Sat Fats, 33 grams of sugar

On average it might take a person 1 hour to burn 500 calories. On the flip side it could only take a person 5 minutes to eat 500 calories. Do not be tricked by the "fun size" candy bars because they will add up very quickly.

On the bright side there are a few treats you can give yourself during the Halloween holiday. For starter  have some good snacks on hand like almonds, carrot sticks, or dried fruit. Whenever you get the desire to eat out of the candy cauldron, choose your pocket snack instead.

Secondly, get in your routine workout early in the day. You know you will be enjoying the night later on by walking your kids around the neighborhood or going to a party. Just because it is a holiday does not mean your body has to take a holiday.


Find the healthy snack that you will enjoy in place of candy and have it on you for easy access. Also, get your exercise in just as you would on any other day. The later the day goes on the busier the night will get, and the excuses add up. Make this Halloween an accomplishment in your training journal rather than a setback. Will you treat yourself or trick yourself?

1 comment:

  1. I will treat myself! Good workout this morning.
