
Saturday, June 8, 2013

End of the 30 Day Challenge!

Several days ago I ended the 30 Day Challenge of No-Gluten, No- Dairy, and No-refined sugar foods. For those of you just reading, my reason for this challenge were experimental to see my psychological addiction to any of the following. Also, I wanted to see if there were any effects to my training.

Week 1: Intense sugar craves, initial loss of energy, abnormal protein and fat intake. No decreases in training performance
Week 2: No cravings, no noticeable changes in daily nutrition.
Week 3: Same, bored of nutrition plan.
Week 4: Only tough because I was looking forward to treating myself when I completed the Challenge.

Anyone looking to eliminate one of these three "types" of food from their diet should have the following ready.

1. A nutrition plan 
So many people enter into these challenges without a plan and get easily lost because they don't know where they stand. If you go on vacation you develop a plan to travel. If you want to ask a girl on a date, you develop a plan (even though it may not be the best plan). So why would a nutrition challenge be any different.

2. Have your "saves" in place
I knew I would struggle with dessert because I have implemented it as a meal since I was a kid. So I inserted a "save" around that time. This was either a protein shake, a fruit and peanut butter option, or a non-dairy non gluten, non sugar chocolate bar. Yes, they have those!

3. Find an accountable partner
Diet changes can be tough, especially when you choose one that you know will be tough for you. I love chocolate, milk, and tuna sandwiches. I could eat them all day every day. I knew if I did not have a partner to encourage me and keep me accountable to this challenge that it would be so much tougher. It was also cool to share experiences after and talk about what we liked and disliked.

 I really enjoyed this challenge because I love testing my limits. I know if I only did things I was good at, my opportunity for growth would be much smaller. It was tough being with my buddies and denying a beer or ordering a salad at a mexican restaurant or watching my brothers eat donuts like they were getting ready to hibernate. However, I completed it and am proud that I have an experience to share with others who are thinking about a challenge like this.

If you are looking for a nutrition challenge to get you in shape for the summer, check out Advocare's 24 Day Challenge. They package all the things you need to assist your training program. Here is the link

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